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Sunday 14 October 2012

~BiLa InSaN iTu~

Seringkali kau merendahkan ku
Melihat dengan sebelah matamu
Aku bukan siapa-siapa
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.Net
Selalu saja kau anggap ku lemah
Merasa hebat dengan yang kau punya
Kau sombongkan itu semua
Coba kau lihat dirimu dahulu
Sebelum kau nilai kurangnya diriku
Apa salahnya hargai diriku
Sebelum kau nilai siapa diriku
Seringkali kau merendahkan ku (kau merendahkan ku)
Melihat dengan sebelah matamu
Aku bukan siapa-siapa
Coba kau lihat dirimu dahulu
Sebelum kau nilai kurangnya diriku
Apa salahnya hargai diriku
Sebelum kau nilai siapa diriku
Coba kau lihat dirimu dahulu
Sebelum kau nilai kurangnya diriku
Apa salahnya hargai diriku
Sebelum kau nilai siapa diriku
Sebelum kau nilai siapa diriku

lagu dari armada band ini mengingatkan aku tentang sesorang kawan.entahlah,sukar rasa menerima bila dia sudah menolakku jauh dari kehidupannya.tidak mahu la nak mention namanya,tapi sesungguhnya aku tidak mengerti apa salahku sehingga dia amat membenciku.dan sekarang baru la aku faham bahawa SEKALI DIBENCI AKAN SELAMA LAMAYA BENCI.apa2 pun terimalah dengan hati yang terbuka walaupun perihnya seperti ditikam.dengan tidak mahu mengharapkan kebencian,aku kena teruskan jua kehidupan ini walaupun terasa sangat diri ini hina di matanya.sesungguhnya,aku secara jujurnya TIDAK PERNAH MARAH MAHUPUN BENCI dengannya.tapi dia buat aku BENCI & MARAH dengan dia.namun aku msih berpegang dengan prinsipku bahawa mengikut:
Rasulullah Saw bersabda : “Orang kuat itu bukanlah yang menang dalam bergusti tetapi orang kuat adalah yang mampu menahan nafsu amarahnya.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim) 

Sumber daripada: http://arnamee.blogspot.com/2012/08/memaafkan-orang-cara-mengawal-marah.html#ixzz29LRuLu00

terus terang bahawa bila aku lalui semua ini,ia membuatkan aku jatuh tapi tiada siapa pun yang sambut.aku mampu menangis dalam kedudukan ku yang msih terbelenggu menanti jikalau ada insan yang menolong.aku masih tetap sendiri bila mengenangkan semua itu.
begitulah saja coretanku kali ini. . .terima kasih dan jumpa lagi.

Monday 6 August 2012

~Taare Zameen Par~

Today i want to share my favorite movie . .TAARE ZAMEEN PAR that means "every child is special".

The movie is about an 8 year old boy Ishaan Awasthi (Darsheel Safary) who finds it difficult to match his world of colors, kites and animals to that of the others in his age group, who are more into studies and homework. When complaints start to pour in, Ishaan’s parents decide to set him off to a boarding school. His life is no different at the boarding school, oppressed and insulted by his teachers, he remains the laugh stock of the class. Now that he is away from home, he feels even more dejected, inferior and finds it tough to cope up with his inabilities.

Ram Shankar Nikumbh (Aamir Khan) gets appointed as a temporary art teacher of the boarding school. Unlike other teachers who follow definite norms in educating children, Ram makes them think out of books, outside the four walls of the classroom and paint their imaginations. Every child in class responds with immense enthusiasm except Ishaan. Ram takes effort to understand Ishaan and his problems. He makes Ishaan’s parents and other teachers realize that he is not abnormal but a very special child with talents of his own. With time, patience and care Ram succeeds in boosting the confidence level of Ishaan. He helps Ishaan in overcoming his inabilities and re-discover his lost confidence.The message that the story tries to convey is already known to us, but most of us just remain ignorant to it. Aamir Khan, the director, has handled the delicate theme with dexterity and precision. He has not just succeeded in making every child a hero but actually helped us see a child in ourselves. Just like no man is perfect no matter what position he commands in the society, every child with both their ability and inabilities is special and talented in their own way. The movie isn’t just about a child suffering from dyslexia and his challenges, it’s also about how parents get carried away by today’s competitive world and fail to understand their child’s dreams and nurture their inborn talents.

What made the first half all the more poignant was that Ishaan is a child rejected not only by his peers and his teachers, but also by his father…and his world of imagination, of colour, is all that he has to cling on to. He has his mother too. Tisca Chopra plays his mother Maya, who understands him but is helpless in the face of a demanding, authoritarian father (played by Vipin Sharma). These two characters (of the parents) seemed stereotypical to me.
What I really liked about this movie is that the subject is not restricted to just a dyslexic child struggling with his writing and reading, but also talks about the struggle of a child against the rigors of a school system which pounces on every little mistake and humiliates the child for making it. A system which is rote oriented and stifles original thinking. When little Ishaan explains the meaning of a poem in an abstract fashion, in pure ideas, his teacher gets enraged, thinking that Ishaan is talking nonsense. Even the Art teacher insists that the children draw Still Life and is himself incapable of using his imagination. Well, this is how Art is ‘taught’ in Indian schools.
It’s not just rote, but the continuous emphasis on marks by both teachers and parents that is brought out in the movie. Worse, if one doesn’t perform…or is naughty, then corporal punishment is waiting! The harsh reality of Indian school life. Children who fall in line (Ishaan’s elder brother is shown as a stark contrast to Ishaan) and get good marks are rewarded and are seen to be winners in the game of life.

before he meets his teacher..


Ishaan painting
heart-wrenching scene in which Ishaan's mother discovers a flip-book he made which reveals just how vulnerable he's been feeling.
I found lyrics in English version from Taare Zamin Par movie. I like it very much.it gives a message that the we will never forget our mom wherever we are..
I’ve never told you
How scared I am of the dark
I’ve never told you
How much I care for you
But you know, don’t you Ma?
You know everything, my Ma.
Don’t leave me alone in crowds
I’ll lose my way back home
Don’t send me to places far away
Where you won’t even remember me
Am I so bad, Ma?
Am I so bad, my Ma?
When sometimes Papa swings me
Too high in the air,
My eyes search for you, hoping
You’ll come and hold me safe
I don’t tell him
But I get petrified
I don’t let it show
But my heart sinks
You know everything, don’t you ma?
You know everything, my Ma
I’ve never told you
How scared I am of the dark
How much I care for you
But you know, don’t you, Ma?
You know everything, my Ma.

Overall, Taare Zameen Par is a good emotional story with a message for the parents. The kids and parents will completely enjoy it. It was also pleasant to see the movie receiving a standing ovation while the credits rolled. At the all important box-office, the clash against another biggie Welcome would affect collections, but with strong word of mouth and Aamir Khan’s star power, the movie should be a winner commercially.

Saturday 4 August 2012

~My Old School~

Today, i opened my facebook suddenly i see my old albums that contain all pictures at my secondary school. It will always remind me anout my old school..
~picture with my favaorite teacher~

~my best friend since tingkatan 1~

Add caption

Wednesday 25 July 2012

~TrULy FrIeNdS FoReVeR~

Friends, come and go. Is it true?
True friends, search and find. Really?

Really needs his human side. More more more friends who have positive value in his life, true friend.
Maybe we can detail more behind the meaning of 'true friend'. Not only true friend is beside us when are joy and sorrow, but more than that again.

True friends are always encouraged us towards it, never leaves us when are we offended, but gives us the awareness that we are God's.

My friend had once dominated, in defamation and mocked. In fact, the friends around him to leave her for defamation deck swallowed that fly.
In addition, pray for my friends who were so maligned is that his life destroyed. MASYAALLAH ..

If we place him, must we talk to our heart, "where your loyalty!"
Then, the heart began to weaken eaten by a black environment.

Evaluate our hearts, whether we are friends with everyone around us as the "bonds of friendship on the rope of Allah" or "the importance of living simply".
Do not blame God if we will be punished hereafter as "bonds of friendship"

My father used to remind, only the true parents and friends who want you to succeed in life.

Be thankful if you have a friend who is truly with you. Difficult to find such a companion. Celebrate your friendship bond. Hopefully, God's gift to you that true friends can make yourself better and headed towards it.

"As good companions with Allah is the best of good friends and neighbors as the sight of God is the best to his neighbor" (HR al-Hakim)

But, how to find true friends?
Scratching our heads when our minds start to think about and reflected every friend that we have. Any one friend who said true.
For me, the easiest way is to note the actions but not his heart for assessment of heart rate only God knows. Evaluate its nature, does he ever hurt your heart?
Have you stabbed him from behind.
Once you think, tell your friends that you feel is the true friend of this expression.

"I'm friends with you because God and not because of wealth and good. Thanks for being my friend"

Characteristics of a true friend
  1. If you need help from her, he/she continues to help you without a flip flop
  2. If something you fall (accident), he/she appears to lessen the burden
  3. If you both litigants understand, he/she would more easily in order to maintain a friendship
  4. If you give something good to him/her, he/she will appreciate the act that you do
  5. If you close friendship with him/her, he/she will reply back to your friends
  6. He/she always help you keep away from vices and bad things and help you perform the command and good
  7. He/she has always lead the world and the next successful

Characteristics of our friends who need care or leave
  1. Friend who is a hypocrite: He/she was friends with you because of personal interest only and is not willing to help when you're in trouble.
  2. Friends who flatterers: He/she agrees on everything you do that (whether good or bad). When dealing with you, he praises you, but behind him betray you.
  3. Friends who take you further away from God: He/she brought you into vices and add your sin in the world.
  4. Earthly companions: He/she always invites you to 'hang out', partying or place unnecessary and reckless.
  5. Friends who stingy and greedy: He/she was very greedy to give to you and asking a lot to you. (Selfish)

~Being friends for God to seek His pleasure~

And this quote for us . .

~tHiz Is My FrIeNds~

~maRy & mE~

~diJa & me~

~zILa & Me~

~DeDiCaTeD To All My ClaSsMaTeS~

Saturday 14 July 2012

~NeW FaMiLy~

>a sleepy boy<

>his big eyes<

On July 25, 2012, I received a new nephew named muhammad hafiy. thanks to ALLAH.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

~OpKiM 27062012~

~my picture, mama lift with my adopted sister~

with my bestfriend dija,marie and me
~picture after painting~
~a hungry face~
~' kuih cincin' factory visits~
~a demonstration of "kuih lidah"
~on the way to kg kawang by train~
~we happy~


~having a night dinner with my adopted family~

~ On June 27, 2012, I have followed opkim.saya very happy although I will miss college. . this moment sweet moment with adopted families~

~My BeSt ShOt~

 ~my nice super shot~
~my mom birthday cake~
 ~need a critical focus on it~

~my young sister as my model of the day~

~my little family~

~my little family~

~my PicTure with My YounG BrOtheR~

~my picture with my young sister~

~my young brother~

~my young sister~

~my picture with family~