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Wednesday 25 July 2012

~TrULy FrIeNdS FoReVeR~

Friends, come and go. Is it true?
True friends, search and find. Really?

Really needs his human side. More more more friends who have positive value in his life, true friend.
Maybe we can detail more behind the meaning of 'true friend'. Not only true friend is beside us when are joy and sorrow, but more than that again.

True friends are always encouraged us towards it, never leaves us when are we offended, but gives us the awareness that we are God's.

My friend had once dominated, in defamation and mocked. In fact, the friends around him to leave her for defamation deck swallowed that fly.
In addition, pray for my friends who were so maligned is that his life destroyed. MASYAALLAH ..

If we place him, must we talk to our heart, "where your loyalty!"
Then, the heart began to weaken eaten by a black environment.

Evaluate our hearts, whether we are friends with everyone around us as the "bonds of friendship on the rope of Allah" or "the importance of living simply".
Do not blame God if we will be punished hereafter as "bonds of friendship"

My father used to remind, only the true parents and friends who want you to succeed in life.

Be thankful if you have a friend who is truly with you. Difficult to find such a companion. Celebrate your friendship bond. Hopefully, God's gift to you that true friends can make yourself better and headed towards it.

"As good companions with Allah is the best of good friends and neighbors as the sight of God is the best to his neighbor" (HR al-Hakim)

But, how to find true friends?
Scratching our heads when our minds start to think about and reflected every friend that we have. Any one friend who said true.
For me, the easiest way is to note the actions but not his heart for assessment of heart rate only God knows. Evaluate its nature, does he ever hurt your heart?
Have you stabbed him from behind.
Once you think, tell your friends that you feel is the true friend of this expression.

"I'm friends with you because God and not because of wealth and good. Thanks for being my friend"

Characteristics of a true friend
  1. If you need help from her, he/she continues to help you without a flip flop
  2. If something you fall (accident), he/she appears to lessen the burden
  3. If you both litigants understand, he/she would more easily in order to maintain a friendship
  4. If you give something good to him/her, he/she will appreciate the act that you do
  5. If you close friendship with him/her, he/she will reply back to your friends
  6. He/she always help you keep away from vices and bad things and help you perform the command and good
  7. He/she has always lead the world and the next successful

Characteristics of our friends who need care or leave
  1. Friend who is a hypocrite: He/she was friends with you because of personal interest only and is not willing to help when you're in trouble.
  2. Friends who flatterers: He/she agrees on everything you do that (whether good or bad). When dealing with you, he praises you, but behind him betray you.
  3. Friends who take you further away from God: He/she brought you into vices and add your sin in the world.
  4. Earthly companions: He/she always invites you to 'hang out', partying or place unnecessary and reckless.
  5. Friends who stingy and greedy: He/she was very greedy to give to you and asking a lot to you. (Selfish)

~Being friends for God to seek His pleasure~

And this quote for us . .

~tHiz Is My FrIeNds~

~maRy & mE~

~diJa & me~

~zILa & Me~

~DeDiCaTeD To All My ClaSsMaTeS~

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